👋 Hello, I am

Alessandra Figini

Front-end developer based in Italy

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Featured Projects

A preview of the AI Haiku Generator which includes a form to input your haiku topic, a few topic suggestions and a famous haiku by Kobayashi Issa for inspiration

AI Haiku Project

This was the final project of the SheCodes AI Add-On Workshop and easily my favourite project so far. I learned how to integrate CSS in JavaScript, how to build an interactive text generator and learned about AI and how to integrate the AI API into the project using SheCodes own AI. Please give it a spin!

Launch project

Weather App Project

This weather app was the final project of the SheCodes Plus workshop and the first fully interactive app I've built. In this workshop I learned about Git and Git hub, how to use and integrate APIs for live data and how to host on Netlify.

Launch project
A preview of my weekly weather forcast app with world-wide city search funtion, short weather description and icons, maximum and minimum temperatures, average wind speed and humidity.
A preview of a dark background world clock with three cities across the world on permanent display and a search function for your target city.

World Clock Project

This was the final project of the SheCodes Plus Add-On Workshop. Building on the previous workshop I learned more advanced JavaScript and had extra practice in working with and integrating APIs and interactive features.

Launch project